AI Multimedia Lab

Our lab is located within the CAMPUS Research Institute of University “Politehnica” of Bucharest. The AI Multimedia Lab has its roots back in 2007 with the creation of the Video Analysis and Processing Group, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology, evolving in the current format in 2016. Currently, the lab is specialized in developing and benchmarking Artificial Intelligence algorithms, e.g., machine learning, deep learning, information retrieval, for various multimedia applications, such as surveillance & security, media, medicine, fintech, networking, to mention but a few. The lab was entrusted with various research grants, both national and international, strategic and research oriented, for academia and industry.

Leader: Prof. Bogdan Ionescu
Location: 2nd floor, room 205, CAMPUS Research Institute
Postal address: Splaiul Independenţei nr. 313, Sector 6, Bucureşti, 060042 România


Supervised/Unsupervised Machine Learning and Deep Learning logo

Supervised/Unsupervised Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Multimedia/Video/Image analysis and processing, and Content-based Retrieval logo

Multimedia/Video/Image analysis and processing, and Content-based Retrieval

Multimedia Benchmarking and Evaluation logo

Multimedia Benchmarking and Evaluation


H2020 AI4Media

H2020 AI4Media “A European Excellence Centre for Media, Society and Democracy”, owner CERTH, Greece, partner University “Politehnica” of Bucharest (led by AI Mult...

UEFISCDI DeepVisionRomania

DeepVisionRomania “Identifying People in Video Streams using Silhouette Biometrics”, owner University “Politehnica” of Bucharest (led by AI Multimedia Lab), partn...

UEFISCDI DeepDataRomania

DeepDataRomania “Building Collections of Data for Advanced Training of Artificial Intelligence Algorithms in National Security Applications”, owner National Uni...

UEFISCDI DeepLanguageRomania

DeepLanguageRomania (RoNLP) “SOL-2024 - 10 - Package of Tools for Processing and Linguistic Analysis of the Romanian Language”, owner National University of Sci...


SMARTRetail “Enhancing and Improving Customer Experience and Services in Supermarkets via SMART Artificial Intelligence Powered Systems”, owner Softrust Vision An...


GRAVI “Virtual Guardian: Artificial Intelligence Powered Multi-Sensor System for Automatic Securing of Areas of Interest”, owner Softrust Vision Analytics, partne...

Keysight 2

Keysight 2 “AI for Hardware-Software Co-design”, owner National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest (led by AI Multimedia Lab), beneficiary...

Hana 2

Hana 2 “Financial Data Augmentation and Forecasting Using Advanced AI Techniques”, owner “Politehnica” Research, Development and Innovation Institute (led by AI M...


NXP 1 “RISC V-based Hardware-Software System for Machine Learning Applications”, owner University “Politehnica” of Bucharest (partner AI Multimedia Lab), benefici...