DeepVisionRomania “Identifying People in Video Streams using Silhouette Biometrics”, owner University “Politehnica” of Bucharest (led by AI Multimedia Lab), partners Softrust Vision Analytics, Romanian Ministry of National Defence — Military Equipment and Technologies Research Agency, public beneficiary Romanian Intelligence Service, funded by UEFISCDI, Solutions Axis, grant 28SOL/2021 (budget ~550k Eur, 2021-2023);
The DeepVisionRomania project proposes to develop, test and operationalize software services for automatic recognition of people in images, using visual physiological features, in order to ensure innovative analytical capabilities for identifying and re-identifying people in operations for terrorism prevention, for events of other categories of violation of public order and safety or in emergency situations, in streams and video recordings. The solution must ensure operational capabilities in real situations by interconnecting with video cameras commonly used for protection and surveillance in the urban environment and ensure compliance with GDPR regulations.